Thursday, July 31

Tips for Organizing Video Files

People using the Student Multimedia Design Center will soon be starting new video projects and many will shoot enough video that specific clips become hard to manage. Get Organized: How to Manage Video Files (PC Magazine) offers good file naming advice for keeping clips in chronological order with names that also help one locate content.  It's worth reading before starting new projects.

The article also addresses digitization of older video and storage options.  Videographers should read the article to ensure that they're covered on these three points:

  • centralizing video files (that is, getting them off one's smartphone and video camera),
  • naming files intelligently and tagging them so one knows what they contain, and
  • backing up and archiving final edited files.

Thursday, July 3

New 3D Printing Shop in Newark

If you are interested in 3D prototyping/design but don't have the $1000+ dollars to spend on various models of 3D printers, there is now an alternative in Newark! A workshop/retail store has opened that offers 3D printing on MakerBot and Lulzbot printers.

The store, Sovereign Air LLC, is located on Main St. behind Bike Line and next to the Ski Bum. Check out the Newark Post article HERE.