Monday, September 19

Device Protection

So you were at the Library and had to run to get something from your car. Rather than clean up all of your things you decided to leave your bag, books, and laptop sitting at a table. When you returned, to your utter dismay, you discovered that the laptop was no longer there.

While you might think that this could never occur in the library, it has actually happened many times. First, of course, never leave your things unattended. Second, what if your phone or laptop were taken from a secure place, how would you get them back?

There are a number of programs out there that can help. Here are two of them. . . one for Mac and the other for PC:

Prey (Mac). Prey is a software program that can run in the background on your device. If your phone or laptop gets taken, you can access Prey through a browser, which will activate the software on your computer through a wired Internet connection or will search for an open wireless connection. Data can then be collected to identify the whereabouts of your property, including activating the iSight camera to take a photo.

LockItTight (PC). Like Prey, LockItTight is a software program that can run in the background and collect important information such as key logging, webcam capture, screen capture, etc. to aid authorities in getting your property back.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite feature: "activating the iSight camera to take a photo." Imagine that!
