Monday, November 12

Tricks for Your Project Success

Recently we all handed in our project mock-ups to be assessed so that when we get them back we can make them the best we can. This project was the first time I had worked with Photoshop and it took a lot of googling and trial and error to reach my final product. Since we all want our projects to come out perfect and this definitely won't be the last time we work with Photoshop I thought I'd share a few cool tricks I just learned.

1. If you want to warp an image, for example make it look like it's bent or dancing, you can use the Puppet Warp button. Simply go to edit-puppet warp. The image will become covered in lines moving in different directions and you will need to place at least two "pins" among the lines. You can make active pins (the ones you want to move) that are symbolized by a yellow dot with a black one in the center and inactive pins (the parts you don't want to move) that are just yellow dots. This allows you to play with the parts of the image you want to warp while leaving the other areas alone.

2. I did a lot of things while creating my poster that I probably wouldn't have been able to duplicate later without this trick. Simply click on they layer that  you want to save for future use (if you made a design that you want to use again) and click on the tab at the top of the layer called "styles." Then all you have to do is click the "new style" button and name it something you will recognize.

3. When choosing a font for my poster I struggled to find the buttons that would help me adjust it exactly the way I wanted.
     Command + Shift + B = Bold (if your font has a bold)
     Command + Shift + I = Italic (if your font has an italicized form)
     Alt/Option + the up and down arrows and Alt/Option + the left and right  arrows will alternate between the font's weight (if it has a set one) or add a faux weight style to it.

Good luck fixing up your projects to perfection!

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