Tuesday, December 4

Enlighten Me

We illuminate our lives every day with a variety of things: the sun, new knowledge, friendships, laughter, and, of course, light bulbs! No matter where you go, fluorescent and halogen bulbs glare down at you from the ceilings and the walls. Scientists have spent many years devising energy-efficient bulbs that are environment-friendly, and the search for a truly unique and viable light bulb is ever continuing.
Phil Bosua has invented such a light bulb, named “LIFX.” These LED light bulbs can be programmed for any color, dimmed as need, and come with a variety of effects. The fascinating thing about these bulbs is that they are controlled directly from your smart phone. External controllers are unnecessary, as LIFX simplifies things to make all of the features accessible in the palm of your hand. LIFX can also be programmed to match the beat of music being played in the room, and is a useful addition for anyone trying to turn any boring old room into a party just waiting to happen!

These bulbs have a life expectancy of about 40,000 hours, and can last for up to 25 years with average use. They are not on the market as of yet, but the project has received ten times the funding that it requires to get off the ground (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/limemouse/lifx-the-light-bulb-reinvented). Predicted prices are $69 for one, $119 for two, $196 for four, $294 for six, $392 for eight and $490 for 10. Below are two links: the first of which is an article describing the product, and the second is the product’s website at which you can pre-order some of these fantastic new glowing orbs!


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