Tuesday, April 30

Offering Alternatives to Patrons

During this time in the semester, we can expect a plethora of repeat questions and rush times for equipment. At these times I find it not simply helpful, but critical to know other solutions that we can offer to library users. For instance, if the queue for printing posters is too long for a user, that user can also print at Smith Hall for a slightly larger fee per foot. Also, if the service desk is out of Mac adapters for VGA projectors, one can borrow a PC laptop for 4 hours. This would give the user enough time to use it for a presentation then return it. Offering alternatives helps to assure library patrons that the service desk does service best.

1 comment:

  1. These are some great tips Tyran! One more tip along these lines: The Educational Resource Center in the Willard Hall Bldg. has various multimedia equipment (most of it is not as up-to-date as our equipment). I often suggest this is an alternative to students to find projectors or for those who need a laptop for more than 4 hours.
