Wednesday, October 30

Audacity Shortcut

Many of us have had to help studio 6 users set the correct input/output settings in Audacity. Diana pointed out a little shortcut that I was completely unaware of to do this, and I thought it would be a good idea to share! Instead of clicking on the Audacity tab on the top left and going from there, you can change the input/output settings directly through the Audacity window. Take a look at the screenshot below to see what the settings should always be set as in studio 6.

1 comment:

  1. Good tip! A few days ago, a user working in the studio came up to the desk and asked why she couldn't hear anything when she tried to playback her recording in Audacity. I went in to take a look and saw that the speakers were on and the microphone was set up properly. The issue was that the user was trying to record her voice too far from the microphone, so it did not pick up the sound. It is important to remind users to speak close up and directly into the microphone when recording.
