Sunday, November 24

Audacity Files Needed When Saving

Today some girls came in to use a studio and when they went to go work on their Audacity project, it would not open for them. It turns out that they were missing an important folder when they drop boxed it to themselves.

When you save an Audacity file to go back and edit later, there is an extra folder that comes along with it called the data folder. It is very similar to iMovie's event and project folders. It is VERY important that they take both the Data folder and the Audacity file with them otherwise they will NOT be able to open their project back up later.

If you are helping someone save in Audacity, make sure you remind them to get both files so they don't have to start over!


  1. Good advice, it's like iMovie in that regard. Another option if they're project didn't involve multiple tracks they need to re-edit would be just importing their exported MP3/WAV etc. file. (if they exported one in the first place). Audacity is pretty quick at exporting unless it's a longer file so it's not a bad idea to encourage people to save the project and export if they're not finished, just in case.

  2. Interesting, I didn't know that there was another folder needed with an Audacity file. Definitely will use the information later! I'll be sure to tell users if they want to edit files later to make sure they take both files otherwise they would not be able to edit the tracks later
