Tuesday, March 20

Using 3D printers to make toys

3D printers aren't really common, but they're definitely gaining popularity as they become less and less expensive. An art and technology group called FAT has come up with a cool idea: small printable adapters that connect kid's buildable toys. It can connect Legos, Duplos, K-Nex, Tinkertoys, Lincoln Logs, and more. It's a pretty cool idea and a cool use of technology. When are we getting a 3D printer for the SMDC?


  1. This is creation at its finest! I would love to see students who create graphics take their art a step further and print it out. Now, if we can find a special donor to fund such a printer...

  2. This is a great tool to do some quick prototyping. We have a Thing-o-matic 3D printer in the art department, that I will get to use sometime this semester, so that's exciting. The 3D printers come in many different sizes to create small items or large full scale replicas of engine parts to scale models of buildings for architects. It would be very exciting to have one of these at the center indeed.
