Tuesday, November 29

Showcase Video Tutorial

Hey everyone,

I've gotten a lot of questions about how I did the animation for the Student Multimedia Showcase, so I figured I would put up a brief tutorial on how I did it the flickering light animation.

First off, I used After Effects for this project, using an illustration created by Mike Gates for the background.

After importing Mike's image, I first created a new adjustment layer, which allows changes to be made without directly affecting the footage under it.

My next step was to change the brightness and contrast in the effects menu

I toyed with the slider until I got a look I felt was appropriate; you can always come back to these settings later!

Using the pen tool, I created a mask on the adjustment layer resembling what a projector light might look like.

I didn't want to affect the footage on the screen, so I created another mask and set it to subtract instead of add in its menu on the timeline.

I wanted to give it a more natural feel, so I softened the edges of both masks in their menus on the timeline. The only remaining step would be the animation. Using the keyframe tool in the opacity menu, I alternated the opacity of the mask between 0 and 100 every two frames. This would mean it would animate 0 to 50 and then to 100 and then back down.

Last but not least, I highlighted the keyframes and copy and pasted them further and further down the timeline. It helps to go back and copy again, so the process is quicker!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I was wondering how it was made, but I did not realize that it was your creation. Thought Bryce did it.
