Wednesday, September 25

Overwhelmed in the Multimedia Center?

Since I started working here at the Multimedia Center, I’ve literally learned something new every day—scratch that—TONS of new things every day. From lighting, sound and video, to the simple things like remembering what equipment is in which studio, ‘information overload’ is what I’ve been feeling lately. I realize this is all a learning experience for me, but I can’t imagine how big of a mountain hill this must be for students coming in with no experience pertaining to what they’re trying to accomplish. Our purpose here as student assistants is to provide guidance and assistance with these technological issues. When students come up to the counter and ask questions about things I don’t understand, my first instinct is to run to a staff member for help, until today I thought that maybe I should let experience be the teacher. By that I mean working through the problem with the student could be more beneficial than just finding out from someone else. Not only does this teach you the solution, but it also shows the student that they are just as capable. Technology will forever evolve and you’ll never know anything, however the willingness to learn will keep you “in the know” and is an essential part of keeping up.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post. I know me personally a lot of times a library patron will ask me how to do something and I'll say "I'm not sure, but lets Google it so we can both learn." And what ends up happening, the library patron will end up teaching me something.
