Wednesday, September 25

The Tape Based Video Camera Kits

This past week, during my Studio Maintenance Checklist Assignment, I noticed that the tape based video camera that I was trying to use was losing it's power almost instantly from the point of me turning it on. While I was not too surprised that I was experiencing this problem, due to the less frequent use of these cameras and type 4 batteries, I thought that this experience of mine could be valuable information to everyone else at the center. Therefore, I would like to take a moment to remind everyone to make sure that if and when you do check out a tape based video camera kit to a student you replace the battery that has been sitting in the video camera to a newly charged type 4 battery from the drawer.

(PS one last note for those of you who may be new to the center or do not feel as comfortable with the studios and have not done your Studio Maintenance Checklist Assignment yet - I found this assignment to an extremely beneficial learning experience and I highly encourage you to look forward to your chance to do it!!)

- Melissa

1 comment:

  1. Actually we want everyone to turn on video cameras and check the battery charge level before it's checked out anyway, but this is especially true of these cameras for the reasons you note. Thanks.
