Friday, February 28

Laptops and Tablets

Hey everyone,

so I wanted to promote some speculation about the utility of laptops over tablets and vice cersa. Additionally looking at the Apple and Microsoft devices.

We recently put this iPad Air units in circulation to joining the regular iPads already in place. You all know about the Dell laptops we have in circulation. The main advantages that the iPads have over the laptops is their portability, touch screen, lower price point, the wide range of app support, and depending on what operating system you prefer the MacOS on the iPad itself. Whereas the Dell laptops do have a solid keyboard which some may find more useful than it's touch screen opponent, the ability to run software incompatible with the MacOS, greater processing power, and more.

Seeing as the iPads also have the advantage of being a more recent acquisition, is it time that we get new laptops operating on windows 7 or 8? Would anyone use a Microsoft Surface tablet if the SMDC invested in one. Do you think that as we acquire more, the iPads will see a lot more use than the laptops? Finally, should the laptops have an increased loan time like the iPads?


1 comment:

  1. From my experience with Microsoft Surface tablets, I feel like the negatives outweigh the positives. I feel the surface is a little clunky to use, and the windows 8 interface would be very confusing to anyone not already familiar with it. I believe the laptops and ipads are still our most viable options as most people already running IOS, so the interface would not be too foreign. I do agree that adding Windows 7 to the laptops would be a worthy investment, as I feel windows 7 brings a lot more to the table than Windows XP, but would still be familiar to those who are used to XP.

