Thursday, February 9

Robert Adams' Photographty Exhibit

Hello, all photographers and web designers! It's always a treat to find a web portfolio that really "works."

So, if you're not familiar with Robert Adams' work, I highly recommend a visit to his exhibition page at the Yale University Website.

Robert Adams (
What we encounter is a very skillful combination of minimalist design and just enough coding tricks to draw us into Adams' photography and the accompanying stories. Notice how all but one thumbnail fades on a "mouseover"? Personally, these details do much to draw me into Adams' world, but they don't do so much that they distract from his actual photography. How else does this site's design and usability "succeed" in this way?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Levi-- thanks for posting this link to Adams' work. There's a stillness and attention to form that comes across in his photos, and the introductory text and the way his photos are arranged on the screen add to this effect. The title of the exhibition ("The Place We Live") reminds me of another photo-based work called "The Places We Live." It's quite different from Adams' work, but I really appreciate the juxtaposition of images/words/sound to create an almost visceral effect:
