Thursday, September 26

Quick download of videos from websites

As users are permitted to use videos from websites in their academic projects, the Center has included a plug-in for Firefox that makes downloading videos quite simple.  In the past, one would normally copy the URL for a video to a third-party web site, enter some file specifications, and then get a download.

With the "Download Helper" plug-in, located to the left of the address bar, one simply needs to bring up a web page containing a video, click the little down arrow next to the swirling colored circles, point to the version to be downloaded, then slide over to and click on the "Download" item in the context menu.  In a few moments, the file will be available on the computer for use in iMovie, Premiere Pro, Final Cut, or even for audio only via Audacity (just start Audacity and open the MP4 file).

Quick note - the videos are usually listed with best quality versions on the top and lower quality ones on the bottom -- in the example, the "mp4" files are large HD format while the "3gp" ones are cell-phone quality.

Go ahead, try it at the desk, then use the video in Premiere Pro or Final Cut to get some editing experience too!


  1. I tried it and it worked with Audacity. Thanks, good tip.

  2. I have actually used this tool in one of my projects in the past in a project of mine. My favorite thing about it is if you want a part of the video instead of its entirety, you can then edit it so that you only have the clip that you need. This was very helpful in a presentation when I only need a portion of a video so that I didn't have to load it in its entirety and find the portion that I wanted to use in my presentation, which in fact was halfway through the video.
