Wednesday, November 20

Focus on one thing at a time

Hello All!

It's that time of year again, yep, everyone is in the library scrambling to start and finish their video projects that are due tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock and expecting you to save them from a utter doom. Yep it's chaos and he desk feels like the toaster aisle of Wal-mart on Black Friday. With so many items being returned and checked out, it is absolutely ESSENTIAL that we don't mix up pieces of kits. When working on a return or checkout, DO NOT assist another patron until the item is completely returned and put away. People are getting a little on the desperate side and might try to push you into helping them without you completing the task at hand... yea, don't do that. If you get overwhelmed, don't forget to hit the bell (the white button against the door) and call another supervisor out to help.

Best of Luck!

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