Saturday, November 22

iMovie to Dropbox, is it Possible?

    Short answer, yes.

    Long answer, it's probably not advisable.

    Today someone came in looking for a Studio to reserve and an external hard drive to rent out so she could save her work and edit it later, but there was a problem. We were out of hard drives. This was a deal breaker for her because she had no other way to save it and her project was going to take much longer than two hours to edit. So she asked if she could save it to DropBox in the meantime. I had no idea, which prompted me to make a quick search and I came upon someone who had a similar question and had posed said question to the apple community (so we know the answer is legit). Which brings me back to the beginning of this post.

    As a disclaimer, I did not test this out. The student who had the question decided not to try it for fear of losing the hours she would have put into her work, but there it is, if someone ever asks you the same question now we'll all know what to say:
    Yes it is possible.
    Just a little difficult because you have to drag everything that was used, photos, music, etc. to dropbox so the new computer will be able to open the files.

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