Monday, October 1

The Internet Over A Decade

There's no denying that computers have increasingly become a larger part of our lives over the past decade. However, this info graphic really puts it in perspective. It details the evolution of the internet since 2002. The most shocking statistic is that ten years ago the average time spent on the internet was just 46 minutes per day. Today, it is 4 hours! Our increasing dependence on computers and new forms of technology is why the Student Multimedia Design Center exists. We help the UD community with adapting to changes made in technology and provide some of the newest, top of the line multimedia tools. It's hard to say what changes the internet and technology will go through within the next decade, but it is safe to assume that things will become faster, more efficient, and those that do not adapt to the changes will be left behind.

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting trip down memory lane. I remember when CNN looked like that! One stat I wonder about, is the four hours a day on the internet mean actively using or just logged on, because I imagine many of us have our computers or phones online but dormant.
