Thursday, November 29

Need to share a large file? Google has you covered.

After reading some articles on CNN I happened to come across one about storage which I think has been important because of saving data. The article states that Gmail now allows users to send 10 GB of files using Google Drive, which is very helpful in light of the past couple days where there have been few if any hard drives at the Student Media Design Center. I myself always wished to send a file sometimes greater than a GB to myself whenever I forgot my usb.  Also the article asserts that you can purchase 25 GB of storage for the low price of 2.49! That is a great deal considering that some 16 GB usb are around 10 bucks.

heres the link to the article

1 comment:

  1. UD Dropbox can also transfer files up to 10GB between any two udel email addresses. One thing to keep in mind is TIME. It will take longer to move a file online than it will to move it onto a USB flash drive.
