Sunday, March 31

33 Really Cool Apps with Really Cool Website Landing Pages

What could be more important than an attractive webpage when you're trying to get people to buy and/or download your company's mobile application? Just about nothing, aside from having an actually useful app (but with a good enough design, even that is negotiable).

Spyre Studios recently made a list of 33 awesome apps for iphones & ipads that exemplify great interface design.

Why is this list important? As creators of multimedia ourselves, we can look at these designs for inspiration on our own creations. These particular apps have modern and attractive yet simple designs for luring users, and that's an incredibly valuable skill to have in the multimedia design world. Often in trying to be modern and fresh, many of us put forth too much complicated content and overwhelm the consumers. These apps have it just right.

Check them out here and be inspired!

1 comment:

  1. Cool collection. I especially liked Over ( The gallery on their site had some quality user creations.
