Monday, April 1

Combining PDFs

Recently, I've encountered a lot of people scanning documents on the scanners in the Student Multimedia Design Center. One question I seem to be getting often is "how do I make the pages one PDF?" There are two simple options that can help transform many separate pages into one. 

First: When you scan in your pages don't press the # key after every page. After every page has been scanned then press the # key. This will automatically combine the scanned pages into one PDF on the computer next to the scanner.

Second: If you already have many individual pages you can combine them together after. If you highlight and left click all the pages you want there is an option to combine them into one PDF. Select that option and it will combine them together. If you choose this option you have to option of moving around the pages to be in the order you want them.

These are the two of the simplest ways to make one PDF document from scanned material! 

Happy Scanning!


  1. Thanks for the tips, Ashley! This is a common problem users encounter. Quick question: for the second tip, is that function simply done within the scans folder by group selecting the separate files, right-clicking, and clicking on "combine files" or something of the sort? Or do we need to do this in Adobe Acrobat Pro?

  2. Thank you Ashley for this tip! I actually just used it the other day!
