Wednesday, February 18

Adobe Flash and Source of Tutorials

Today, I decided to look at Adobe Flash Professional, as I do not have too much experience with that software.  I had been interested in interactive media capabilities and creating websites that can show off such capabilities.  Quickly, I learned that Flash had even more to it than I had thought.  However, there are traces of other Creative Suite software that I have used like Photoshop and Illustrator, which proves the point that it is always beneficial to start somewhere because the skills you pick up in some programs will probably transfer to unexplored yet similar programs.

Anyway, I greatly benefited from using the site, "Infinite Skills Blog" for Flash tutorials.  Under the Media and Design tab, you can search from an index of over 60 programs.  After selecting Flash CS6 (The version on our computers), I was able to go through the available tutorials and find simpler ones for things like layers and creating symbols. The tutorials were about 5 minutes long, which I thought was just enough to scratch the surface.  I would assume more difficult topics go into greater depth.

Here's the link for the homepage of the website, feel free to explore tutorials for not only Flash but many of the other multimedia and design software!

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