Sunday, October 23

Thought Macs were safe? Not anymore.

A new back door trojan has been discovered that targets mac users. It cripples the anti-malware program called X-Protect. The Trojan disables the anti-malware program by blocking any updates that come through, which prevents the program from finding viruses.


  1. The Mac has had trojans before. The thing about a trojan is that you have to put your password in to install it (the same as any program on the Mac that messes with system files). So to be as safe as possible, don't install any programs that you don't trust.

  2. 8% of the people in the world own Macs. It has nothing to do with the fact that Macs are invincble to viruses, it is just why would someone create a virus that can only infect 8% of the population vs 91% of the population who use Windows?
