Thursday, March 27

Converting PDF to Microsoft Word

Sometimes the world frowns on the common man.  Your rent is due, your car got towed, your significant other gets lost on the way to Pizza Hut.  Other times your group project partner insensitively sends you a PDF instead of the Word document you requested.  In what way can we passive aggressively deal with the insolent worm who uses PDFs for their tables?  With magic, that's how.

Acrobat wizard hears your mortal suffering and pities your forsaken soul.
Adobe Acrobat allows the user to save in multiple file formats, one of which is the coveted ".doc".  The ubiquitous file format is far more useful than PDFs, which are for digitized copies of government surveys, and no one reads those anyway.

Acrobat wizard takes payment in eternal gratitude and Krispy Kreme donuts.
Adobe Reader is different.  It cannot save in multiple formats.  It can only waste your time, unless you're reading government surveys, in which case, everything is wasting your time.
A 98% match for  the personification of Adobe Reader.
Think of it in terms of Batman vs. Superman.  Adobe Acrobat is Batman, doing all kinds of useful stuff and saving all kinds of days, generally ridding the world of crime and ignorance.  Adobe Reader is Superman.  He looks good and sounds good, but then put him in action and the rest of the Justice League has to pick up his slack.
Wasting Batman's time since 2001.

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