Saturday, October 8

47 Amazing Blender Tutorials

Last night as I was thumbing away trying to avoid my class research papers, I came across this really cool website. I am actually not sure how I found it but the graphic results look amazing, as the title purely states!

This would be great for those of you who are big on computer animations, gaming, or just would like to know some really cool tricks of the trade!

These tutorials include:

Model and Texture a Wooden Barrel, Creating Magic Wand Particles, Projection Painting, 3 Point Lighting, Creating a Teddy Bear, Create a Steampunk Telescope, Modeling a Human Head, Basic Decaling, Adding Glint Effects and a whole lot more.

1 comment:

  1. Though I will never be able to draw in 2-D let alone 3-D, this is very interesting. Probably would be a great help to anyone interested in this stuff!

    - Lucky
