Friday, February 8

Design, Scan, Create

With rumors of a 3D printer making it's way to the SMDC in the future, I found it only appropriate to do a little research on what we would be getting ourselves into.

The different levels of printers range from a few hundred dollars to the cost of tuition! Fortunately
many different companies are making 3D printers and because of the dramatic growth in sales the price has dropped substantially. The most way to explain the contraption is that you scan a digital image of the product you want to create and the machine builds the product layer by layer using which ever material you have chosen. Some cant print in over one hundred materials such as rubber and hard plastic.

This new multimedia tool is thought to be on it's way to revolutionizing the market place. Since it's finally at a price that is within our grasp i think it's time to start designing your next pair of sneakers!

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