Wednesday, February 27

Photoshop going Mobile?

Everyone (at who I have worked with) knows about Adobe's Photoshop and that it can be used on our Mac's and PC's. What amazes me though is that the program can be bought and used on a smartphone or tablet! I understand that technology is moving towards a completely mobile world, but it just seems impossible to me that a smartphone could hold the program that has allowed for the creation of some of the most amazing photos. Granted, the app can't perform all of the functions as the desktop version, but you can play with filters, layers, and other popular tools. Now I'm not one that's big on Photoshop, but this app seems like it would be pretty convenient for classes (or jobs...) that require a lot of work to be done in Photoshop. The time spent on the bus or waiting for class to start really adds up, utilize it! Apparently the app has been available on phones and tablets for a while now, but a new update has corrected many bugs and glitches from the original version. With Instagram and Twitter popularizing mobile photo-editing tools, I suppose Photoshop decided to enter the market -- a move that seems to have paid off. Click to go to original article

Have any of you downloaded the app on a mobile device? If so, how would you compare it to the desktop version?

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