Thursday, February 28

Social Media Expansion

In this day age social media is everything when trying to retain positive public relations with the general population. How could the SMDC benefit by having a facebook page or twitter account? Students could post technical questions and feedback on the page without having to come to the desk. A staff member could periodically monitor it to answer questions and concerns. There could be posts about featured equipment for the semester, promotions for workshops, and all the latest tips and tricks to using the SMDC to it's full potential! It would surely increase traffic at the SMDC and promote awareness of it's existence in the student body. Just something to consider...

1 comment:

  1. The University says that our area cannot have a separate Facebook page. The Library can, and I love your idea on a way to use their existing page. I'll suggest it, but I'm not sure they will want these questions showing for the whole library. Twitter may be a little different as at least we can separate out questions for us from the general Library tweets by making a unique hashtag. I love seeing your enthusiasm about this Brandon. I am a proponent of using Social Media and had proposed in the past using student assistants to be the library's social media ambassadors.
