Thursday, February 14

Like Designing? Why Not Make A T-shirt?

Do you enjoy designing in programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator? Have you ever thought of turning those designs into shirts? About 2 years ago I discovered a site that sells one tshirt a day for 24 hours. All of these shirts are user submitted, and the best part is they get paid for every shirt that sells.

Worried about them taking your design and selling it down the road without telling you? 
No worries! After the 24 hours is up, all rights of the shirt go back to you and you can do with it what you please. I've submitted one design already to multiple sites, unfortunately have not gotten any offers yet. Maybe with a little practice and some more quality and popular designs, one day I'll have a selling shirt, and you can too!

How you ask?
Well there are many of these sites out there. Some of my favorites are Qwertee, ShirtPunch, and TeeFury. There are many more out there though! actually has multiple of these websites all on one page so you do not have to check each of them individually. Just go onto any of those websites (or find your own, there are a lot of them) and look for a submit tab. There you will usually find the rules and conditions for submitting a design (color limit, file size, file type etc.).

I probably only get 5 cents per shirt I sell right? The man trying to hold us workin' folk back.
WRONG! On most sites that I have seen, for every shirt that sells you will receive $1. I know that may not sound like a lot in and of itself, but think about it. The average winning design on these sites usually have at least 500 votes on them, at LEAST. That correlates to at least 500 people who want to buy your shirt. Lets say you only sell 500 shirts. That's $500 in your pocket, not to mention your design comes right back to you.

I don't know how to use photoshop or any other programs like it. Can't I just buy a shirt?
I encourage everyone to at least check out these sites to just admire the other designs that these people have worked hard on and submitted. Check back every day and just appreciate a new design! Did I mention these shirts are cheaper than an average graphic tee you would find in the store? On most sites they are only about $10.

So go check these sites out, buy a shirt, make a design or just vote for new winning designs! 

1 comment:

  1. Ok a nice site for getting more income by clicking on and earn $1 for a piece.
