Thursday, September 6

A Unique Type of Typography

So although this is from fall of 2011, I just found this today! This "bubble wrap" typography was created by Spanish graphic design studio Lo Siento. Now there is not much written about the process of how this was created but from I can tell, they used just plain old water colored with dyes. They then used a needle to inject the water into the bubbles, doing so in a fashion where they could create words. In this case "NEXT CREATIVITY". I imagine that the needle they used was very small, which allowed a tiny hole to be punctured in each bubble, however, the hole would be small enough that no water would be able to escape.

As an artist myself, this is a very unique and interesting way of typography that I have never seen before or would have thought of myself. I plan on experimenting with this method myself, making my own typography. I may even take it a step further and try and make large scale images out of it, similar to pointillism projects I did in an art class in high school. Materials are easy enough to find, except for maybe the needle. If I do happen to succeed with this method, I will post my results when complete.

If you would like to see the design created by Lo Siento just follow the link here.

1 comment:

  1. Jay, thanks for the unique post. It piqued my interest even more to read your ideas of how they did it and how you could replicate it. Very cool. Also, I had never heard of Zilla before; looks like a great source of inspiration. Much appreciated!
