Wednesday, September 19

The Importance of Using A Backdrop For Photography Purposes

Many beginner photographers overlook the importance of backdrops. It is commonly found that they set up what would have been a stunning photograph and only later discover that a distracting background element was also captured. The photograph may no longer be focused on the intended subject and is therefore ruined.

However, with the availability of the Backdrops at the University’s Student Multimedia Design Center this can be easily avoided! The Student Multimedia Design Center offers Diamond Cloth backdrops in white, black, blue and khaki that can be checked out by students of the University.

By using a simple backdrop, such as the ones offered at The Student Multimedia Design Center, you will be able to isolate the subject of your photograph and create a more professional effect. So, the next time you are planning a photo shoot please stop by The Student Multimedia Design Center for a backdrop and always remember that what you capture behind your subject can make or break your photographs!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited about our new photography back drops. A few weeks ago, Diana posted about various lighting techniques one could use on the backdrop: Pretty cool stuff if you ask me!
