Monday, October 28

Important Audacity Tips

Hey guys, I've noticed a few common questions/problems about Audacity from users that are attempting to record their projects.

1. If a project is paused instead of stopped, no further edits can be made to the audio strip. Many users get easily frustrated when it seems to them that Audacity is inoperable, when in reality they just ended up using the pause instead of the stop button in-between recordings.

2. In order to drag and drop certain parts of the recording, a user must do more then simply click and drag. Make sure to use the cursor to highlight the part of the recording you want to work with, just as you would highlight text, and employ the cut/copy and paste buttons. Most people just try to click and drag without properly highlighting the material, and are led to believe that they have to either move the entire audio strip or delete it and make a new one.

3. In order to have a mp3 (or any other audio file type) of an Audacity recording, one must use the export/share options, followed by selecting the appropriate file type. Using the save function in the Audacity menu will only save the file in a format that can only be opened into Audacity.

Hopefully this helps someone!

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