Sunday, April 27

Downloading Software to the Computers

Today I said a wrong thing.  "But Dillon," I hear you all saying.  "You're an SMDC worker like me.  Infallibility is part of the territory."  I know, it's hard for me too.  My perfect record disintegrated before my eyes, and now that's something I have to deal with.
Me, earlier, contemplating where I went wrong.
The thing I was wrong about, and shamefully so, was downloading software to the desktops in the library.  For some reason, I got it in my head that the only computers patrons could download software to were the laptops.  Well, face egg me, because that's incorrect.
Me again, embarrassed and face-egged.
Patrons can download software to any desktop in the Center, as long as they ask at the desk.  The password and general procedure can be found in the key cabinet in the back.  Usually on rack number 5.  The worst part of all this is that I've done it before and I forgot.
A dramatized reenactment of the service I forgot we provide.
While we don't have a step by step instructional, at least not that I know of, there is a general process.  Find out some stuff about the software, make sure it's academic in nature, then get the little tab thing from rack 5 by the laptops.  And, as Diana reminded my as she read this over my shoulder, laptops we can't really install anything on anyway.  Better to keep all that on the desktop.

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